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Document May Day - it's the festival of the distressed - For more than two decades, the genuine Left has been swamped by a pseudo-Left whose hostility to capitalism is reactionary rather than progressive. The pseudo-Left opposes modernity, development, globalisation, technology and progress. It embraces obscurantism, relativism, romanticism and even nature worship. At May Day rallies, the pseudo-Left whines about how things aren't what they used to be. The real Left has been marginalised, debating neither the neo-cons nor the pseudo-Left, simply because there has been no audience for that debate. Incoherent nonsense from complete imbeciles is published as "Left" comment in newspapers just so right-wing commentators can pretend they have something intelligent to say. In fact "Left" is used as a euphemism for "pessimistic", "unimaginative" and just plain "dull". 11.3 kB 2006-08-06 23:57:21 visible
Document Barry York: Not in your name, indeed - It is too late for the so-called Left in Australia to stand anywhere but condemned for its failure to support the successful war to liberate Iraq. It stood on the side of reaction, and the history books must place its leaders alongside the British pacifists of the '30s who, as George Orwell pointed out, gave comfort and objective support to Hitler. The pseudo-Left proved not just that it can be wrong but that in the name of anti-Americanism it can support fascism. 7.7 kB 2006-08-06 20:26:49 visible
Document The Indispensability of Internationalizing the Kurdish Issue 9.8 kB 2005-01-04 05:52:54 visible
DynamicPage Document Archive   2004-11-18 07:37:59 visible
Document Postmodernism Disrobed 20.4 kB 2005-01-04 07:14:50 published
Document Nothing But or Anything But? 9.9 kB 2005-10-15 18:20:11 published
Document US strategy with regard to Palestine 46.1 kB 2005-01-04 06:29:55 published
Document Chronology of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 48.1 kB 2005-01-04 06:51:54 published
Document Ayatullah Sistani: Iraq's shadow ruler 22.2 kB 2005-01-04 06:12:50 published
Document VICTIMS OF SYSTEMATIC REPRESSION 18.3 kB 2005-01-06 19:01:23 published
Document The Iraqi Government Assault on the Marsh Arabs 8.8 kB 2005-01-06 19:02:16 published
Document Systematic torture of political prisoners 6.0 kB 2004-11-26 07:18:24 published
Document The Anfal Campaign Against the Kurds 25.5 kB 2004-11-26 07:21:16 published
Document Life the Universe and the meaning of everything* 18.1 kB 2004-12-02 19:25:39 published
Document KADEK - IT IS TIME FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOLUTION IN THE MIDDLE EAST 23.9 kB 2004-12-09 04:28:04 published
Document Draining the Swamps: Correspondence with Chomsky. In September 2002, Chomsky wrote an article entitled Drain The Swamps And There Will Be No More Mosquitoes. Subsequently the article Mayday - It's the Festival of the Distressed was published, which argued that the US is indeed following a policy of draining the swamps. This view waspresented to Chomsky who refused to give it any serious consderation. 64.4 kB 2006-08-06 20:58:15 published
Document Mao Zedong - On Contradiction - This essay on philosophy was written by Mao Zedong after his essay "On Practice" and with the same object of overcoming the serious error of dogmatist thinking to be found in the Party at the time. Originally delivered as lectures at the Anti-Japanese Military and Political College in Yenan, it was revised by the author on its inclusion in his Selected Works. 94.4 kB 2006-08-06 07:08:44 published
Document Summary of Iraqi Transitional Administrative Law 8.1 kB 2005-01-04 06:12:00 published
Document Things, Processes, Dialectics, Individuals - Engels describes how understanding processes is a higher form of knowledge than understanding things, and that the things “... go through an uninterrupted change of coming into being and passing away, in which, in spite of all seeming accidentally and of all temporary retrogression, a progressive development asserts itself in the end”. Much of the commentary about Iraq is from commentators who understand some things, more or less, but do not understand the whole process in the same way that we understand it. Hence there might even be agreement about most of the facts but the interpretation of the facts might vary depending on our understanding of historical process and how some things can turn into their opposites in certain conditions (dialectics). 17.4 kB 2006-08-06 08:17:22 published
Document Discussion of Postrel's book: "The Future and its Enemies" - Postrel divides the world into dynamists and stasists - dynamists support evolution and the processes of variation, feedback and adaptation - stasists supports stability. "Do we search for stasis - a regulated engineered world? Or do we embrace dynamism - a world of constant creation, discovery and competition?" 9.1 kB 2006-08-06 20:42:37 published
Document The dismal quackery of eco-economics 39.0 kB 2005-01-19 04:24:24 published
Document Development should mean more than survival 14.2 kB 2005-01-19 05:04:12 published
Document Understanding US declaratory policy (by albert on 09/09/2003) 11.9 kB 2005-01-19 06:40:35 published
Document Aggression, fascism, strategy and logic - discussion from previous LS site. Why, and when, should we support the US overthrow of fascist regimes? 46.3 kB 2006-08-06 22:51:10 published
Document Listening to the Poor 9.7 kB 2005-01-20 17:34:31 published
Document A Summit Misconceived 7.5 kB 2005-01-21 08:24:04 published
Document a Couldn't we live perfectly well without money? "I think that the problems with money are more or less self-solving. Marx explained this long ago, that the whole development of commodity production leads to the development of wage labour and capital, which leads to a deeper and deeper concentration of property in the hands of a few, and a larger and larger working class which has no stake in the present society and nothing to lose but their chains. That is the history of modern capitalist development, and it is the history of why Marx was so enthusiastic in his praise for the corrosive effect of money on the old communities." 14.0 kB 2006-10-16 06:18:42 published
Document Machiavelli in Mesopotamia 8.7 kB 2005-02-02 01:29:29 published
Document The Saudi Paradox 39.2 kB 2005-03-06 23:07:13 published
Document Poor ambitions for the world 19.3 kB 2005-03-09 08:34:33 published
Document The Kyoto Protocol Launches! But will it matter? 9.3 kB 2005-03-09 08:33:33 published
Document Two Sides to Global Warming:Is it proven fact, or just conventional wisdom? 11.8 kB 2005-03-06 23:03:34 published
Document Letter from Cairo 50.0 kB 2005-04-01 07:45:29 published
Document The Islamic Paradox: Shiite Clerics, Sunni Fundamentalists, and the Coming of Arab Democracy 10.8 kB 2006-02-28 21:55:35 published
Document The Shia Turn in U.S. Policy 29.5 kB 2005-04-24 06:34:12 published
Document Global Warming Debate in Australia 14.8 kB 2005-05-20 07:24:17 published
Document Syria-2003 Annual Report 11.2 kB 2005-06-12 00:46:35 published
Document Assad's Forgotten Man:interview with Syrian intellectual Yassin al-Haj Saleh 19.7 kB 2005-06-12 00:46:21 visible
Document Free to choose or compelled to lie? - the rights of voters after Langer v the Commonwealth 123.3 kB 2005-06-12 00:46:58 published
Document Unmitigated Galloway 24.4 kB 2005-06-25 09:02:34 published
Document 'Wild Swans' is a Dead Duck 25.8 kB 2005-07-14 08:06:56 published
Document Why the cultural revolution was defeated - a 1979 paper. Nobody can deny that the coup d'etat of October 6, 1976 has resulted in a fundamental change in direction for China, and the dispute was between two fundamentally opposed political lines - whichever side you happen to agree with. Yet it was originally presented as merely the overthrow of four individuals who were described as Kuomintang agents etc., and their defeat was presented as a great victory for Mao Tsetung Thought and the Cultural Revolution. Quite clearly the Cultural Revolution and Mao Tsetung Thought has been defeated in China and this has had enormous repercussions for Marxist-Leninists, or "Maoists" around the world 53.4 kB 2006-11-03 22:50:01 published
Document William H. Hinton (1919 –2004) 8.5 kB 2005-08-25 09:28:43 published
Document Writing "Fanshen" : a talk by William Hinton - On April 3, 1999, a one-day conference, “Understanding China’s Revolution: a Celebration of William Hinton’s Lifework” was held at Columbia University to celebrate his eightieth birthday. At the conclusion of the conference, organized by China Study Group and cosponsored by Monthly Review and Columbia’s East Asian Institute, Hinton gave an impromptu talk on the background to the writing of Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in A Chinese Village. 33.3 kB 2006-08-06 22:07:01 published
Document William Hinton on the Cultural Revolution 29.1 kB 2005-08-25 09:29:42 published
Document On the role of Mao Zedong - In 1995 a foreign reporter interviewed me about Mao. She sought me out as someone who had met the man in person and openly admired him over the years. She asked, "What about all the people he killed? What about all those famine deaths? And what about all the suffering and destruction of people in the Cultural Revolution?" With these questions she lined herself up with the current media line on Mao, the line of conventional wisdom, which is to present him as a monster—Mao, the monster. The Mao-the-monster thesis depends on two major charges. The first makes him responsible for all the euphoria and excesses of the Great Leap Forward and the organization of people’s communes, which, so the charges go, led to a collapse of production and finally to famine in China. (Isn’t it indeed strange that this famine was not discovered at the time but only extrapolated backward from censuses taken 20 years later, then spinning the figures to put the worst interpretation on very dubious records.) I do not mean to say that there were no mistakes in policy, no crop failures, and no starvation at all, but the hardships of those years are advertised as the greatest famine in human history, a conclusion that I do not accept. The second charge blames Mao for the extremes of violence and all the personal tragedies that occurred during the Cultural Revolution. Must Mao take the blame for all these phenomena? 26.0 kB 2006-08-06 22:03:14 published
Document Preface 6.5 kB 2005-07-17 01:46:03 published
Document Introduction: China's rural reforms 62.0 kB 2005-07-17 01:47:43 published
Document Long Bow 1978 56.2 kB 2005-07-17 01:52:08 published
Document A trip to Fengyan County, 1983 83.3 kB 2005-07-17 01:53:48 published
Document Reform in stride: Rural Change 1984 32.1 kB 2005-07-17 01:55:19 published
Document The Situation in the Grasslands 52.2 kB 2005-07-17 01:56:40 published
Document The Reform Unravels: Rural Change 1986 51.8 kB 2005-07-17 01:57:54 published
Document Bypassed by reform: Agricultural mechanization 1986 57.1 kB 2005-07-17 01:59:07 published
Document Dazhai Revisited: 1987 53.2 kB 2005-07-17 02:00:20 published
Document Mao's Rural Policies Revisited 77.7 kB 2005-07-17 02:01:31 published
Document Why not the capitalist road? 38.9 kB 2005-11-10 14:50:33 published
Document Tiananmen Massacre 56.5 kB 2005-07-17 02:03:35 published
Document The Great Reversal: the privatization of China, 1978-1989 1.8 kB 2005-12-29 00:16:54 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 10.7 kB 2005-10-27 16:37:13 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration: Foreword 13.7 kB 2005-08-04 03:29:22 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration: Authors' preface 13.6 kB 2005-08-09 21:13:25 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 1: Introduction 8.6 kB 2005-08-09 21:21:28 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 2: Jewish community reactions 23.7 kB 2005-08-09 21:58:24 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 3: What is collaboration 4.6 kB 2005-08-09 22:04:52 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 4: Hannah Arendt 18.4 kB 2005-08-18 07:39:17 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 5: The Kastner case 51.1 kB 2005-08-10 00:25:19 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 6: The background to collaboration 64.0 kB 2005-08-13 23:51:19 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 7: Closing the doors 42.2 kB 2005-08-17 22:34:46 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 8: A deliberate, consistent and successful policy 32.9 kB 2005-08-17 22:56:43 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 9: Betrayal in the ghettoes 12.7 kB 2005-08-18 00:30:07 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 10: Zionism in Germany 31.7 kB 2005-08-18 01:57:55 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 11: Conclusion 21.9 kB 2005-08-18 02:37:05 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration 12: Reference notes 27.0 kB 2005-08-18 02:42:30 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration: Appendix A Proof of evidence from John Harvey Foster 20.4 kB 2005-08-18 07:18:09 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration: Appendix B The Enquiry that never was 21.7 kB 2005-08-18 07:29:19 published
Document Nazi-Zionist Collaboration: Appendix C Unilateral declaration by Radio 3CR 6.7 kB 2005-08-18 07:32:42 published
Document 1993 review of "Imperialism, pioneer of Capitalism" - Bill Warren's book, Imperialism, Pioneer of Capitalism, performs a useful service by refuting much of the mythology that the left has embraced in the name of 'anti- imperialism'. 21.8 kB 2006-08-06 20:33:09 published
Document The Left and the Gulf War - During the [1990-91] Gulf War the pseudo left gave one of the most spectacular displays of its ability to get things wrong. They thought they were on a winner. Here was a chance to relive the Vietnam antiwar movement. But of course that fell flat when the Americans creamed the Iraqis in a matter of weeks, with the minimum of US body bags. 9.8 kB 2006-08-06 20:39:27 published
Document Red and Green don't Mix - Red and green don't mix because they are polar opposites. Reds want to create a better society on the basis of the conditions created by modern industrial capitalism while greens want to retreat from those conditions. For reds, modern industrial society is creating the conditions for a future communist society, with bourgeois relations of production being the obstacle to its achievement. 8.5 kB 2007-05-02 01:49:04 published
Document Rebelling Against Our Selfish Genes 8.1 kB 2005-12-13 23:12:04 published
Document What's wrong with the Left? Peter Tatchell says "When human rights violations are perpetrated by people who happen to be non-white, much of the left runs a mile. They are fearful of being accused of racism and neo-colonialism. Does that help oppressed people? Of course not! Their oppressors rejoice. Mugabe must be thrilled that the international left has not campaigned to isolate him. He can point the finger and say, it is only the western colonialists who oppose them." 16.5 kB 2006-08-06 20:36:38 published
Document The Soviet Bloc was Capitalist - One of the critical tasks in resurrecting revolutionary politics is to refute the generally accepted belief that the former Soviet Union and 'eastern bloc' were socialist. Both the 'left' and right espouse this view in order to discredit communism. It reveals a failure to understand what socialism is essentially about 11.8 kB 2006-08-06 21:54:10 published
Document THE ISO ON STALIN - A CRITIQUE 14.9 kB 2005-12-29 00:18:58 published
Document SOME QUESTIONS from 1973 14.1 kB 2005-12-29 00:24:21 published
Document  Fascism and the Left - "A major theme in left wing propaganda is opposition to fascism. Quite often relatively moderate opponents of the left are described as "fascists". Yet scratch a "Communist" and one quite often finds a fascist underneath...The degeneration of Communist Parties in power is a separate problem calling for a separate analysis. But what about the degeneration of parties holding no power?" 54.6 kB 2007-03-15 14:25:32 published
Document Stalin: Anarchism or Socialism - Classic exposition of the Marxist critique of anarchism. 209.7 kB 2006-08-06 21:51:33 published
Document Symposium: Indonesian Jihad 73.8 kB 2006-01-24 16:05:01 published
Document Gerecht (US Right-winger): anti-American democracy is fine - "The fall of Saddam Hussein has already accelerated convulsive democratic debates in Arab lands and in their more combative and open expatriate media. The region's dictators and kings may have a difficult time stuffing this discontent and dissent back into the tried-and-true shibboleths—principally anti-Zionism and anti-Americanism—that have consumed the intellectual energy of so many, and offered the autocrats a safety valve for popular dissatisfaction with the regimes in place. Arab left-wing intellectuals seem today less domesticated than they were just a few years back, when they eagerly turned most of their venom toward Israel and Ariel Sharon. Muslim fundamentalists, especially in Egypt, still the lodestone among Arab nations, seem much less likely to play along, and are increasingly backing the popular push for more open political systems." 9.9 kB 2006-10-16 06:10:55 published
Document Official Laws against Women in Iran 9.4 kB 2006-03-11 17:59:29 published
Document Iranian regime killed the 19-year-old female journalist, Elham Afrootan 7.6 kB 2006-03-11 18:01:30 published
Document Unemployment and Revolution - 1981 analysis of why unemployment occurs under capitalism. Many references to the particular conditions in Australia at the time - unemployment had reached its highest level since WW2 and there had been much debate in the media about the need for everyone to "tighten their belts" etc. 12.5 kB 2006-08-06 21:19:02 visible
Document Synopsis (Unemployment and Revolution) 16.4 kB 2006-05-23 06:20:11 visible
Document Unemployment and Revolution, part 1 38.9 kB 2006-05-23 02:22:34 visible
Document Unemployment and revolution part 2 42.0 kB 2006-05-23 02:15:09 visible
Document Unemployment and Revolution, part 3 82.7 kB 2006-05-23 00:39:03 visible
Document Unemployment and Revolution, part 4 41.5 kB 2006-05-23 00:48:22 visible
Document Unemployment and Revolution, part 5 75.9 kB 2006-05-23 00:54:00 visible
Document Unemployment and Revolution, part 6 107.3 kB 2006-05-23 07:51:57 visible
Document Unemployment and Revolution, part 7 135.3 kB 2006-05-23 01:03:55 visible

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