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Wolfowitz insights on albatrosses and more

(Published: 2004-07-16 02:00 PM)
Lots of interesting insights from remarks by Paul Wolfowitz at Aspen institute, July 16, 2004. Including this: "Right now we’re in a very difficult position. But – and part of the problem has nothing to do with what we do and a lot to do with the poison that’s fed into the Arab media by Al Jazeera, by some official media. Part of it has to do with the Arab-Israeli issue which is unquestionably an albatross around our necks."

Talabani interview 2004-07-10

(Published: 2004-07-12 04:00 AM)
PUK leader on interim cabinet, Sadaam trial, death penalty, israeli rumours, federalism, and integration between two kurdish administrations.

Talabani interview 2004-07-10

(Published: 2004-07-12 04:00 AM)
PUK leader on interim cabinet, Sadaam trial, death penalty, israeli rumours, federalism, and integration between two kurdish administrations.

The Pro-War Lobby is in Denial

(Published: 2004-07-07 08:25 AM)
An article which appeared in "The Age" newspaper with Cartoon above it by Dyson, "Civilising the debate". Followed by an unpublished letter to the editor in response to it. Cartoon shows large younger thug in military fatigues carrying studded club saying - "I fear we are no closer to a resolution". Small older man biting his leg saying - "I reluctantly concur".

The Pro-War Lobby is in Denial

(Published: 2004-07-07 08:25 AM)
An article which appeared in "The Age" newspaper with Cartoon above it by Dyson, "Civilising the debate". Followed by an unpublished letter to the editor in response to it. Cartoon shows large younger thug in military fatigues carrying studded club saying - "I fear we are no closer to a resolution". Small older man biting his leg saying - "I reluctantly concur".

Kurdish views and Issues

(Published: 2004-07-04 08:27 AM)
Below you will find links to material on the site related to Kurdish issues and views. It's very incomplete at this stage - however we will gradually be adding more material from our old site as well as entirely new material.

Feb.7, 2004: Speech by Barham Salih to the Socialist International

(Published: 2004-07-04 08:21 AM)
I as a Kurd and as an Iraqi, I know, perhaps more than others, that war is devastating and should be questioned. However, for us, this war was to end the brutal war that has been waged against the people of Iraq. It was a war to bring us the opportunity of peace and freedom. And I will tell you unequivocally we are grateful to the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Poland, Italy and So many other nations that have come from a far to deliver us from tyranny and fascism. Moreover, being here in Spain I must offer our profound gratitude to the Spaniards who have come to help in our hour of need, and paid with their lives for freedom and justice.

BARHAM SALIH: What the Kurds Want

(Published: 2004-07-04 08:05 AM)
The transition in Iraq will not be easy, and must be assessed in its proper context. Iraq's decimated civil society - coupled with the many external influences - will inevitably make the transition a rather complicated process. The future of Iraq is of consequence not only to the people of Iraq, but also the wider Middle East and beyond. The stakes cannot be any higher: for those of us who would like the Islamic Middle East to aspire toward more democracy, as well as for those who seek to maintain the status quo.

Barham Salih: The Kurdish Dream

(Published: 2004-07-04 07:45 AM)
"Today, we fight alongside you because in a world of cynicism, the U.S., and its genuine allies, understand that they cannot use the Kurdish dead to justify this war and then sell out the Kurdish living. We have been sickened to hear those who armed Saddam preach to us about the horrors of war, to listen to those who helped prop up the dictator prate about international law."

Once all was lost, but now there's hope

(Published: 2004-07-04 07:31 AM)
Don't ask me. I'm still wondering why millions of people marched last year not to denounce the world's worst dictator but to prevent the overthrow of that dictator.

Once all was lost, but now there's hope

(Published: 2004-07-04 07:31 AM)
Don't ask me. I'm still wondering why millions of people marched last year not to denounce the world's worst dictator but to prevent the overthrow of that dictator.

A Plea from the People of Iraq

(Published: 2004-06-29 05:17 AM)
No one wants a war in Iraq less than the Iraqi people. But we don't have the luxury of being anti-war.

Speech by Dr. Barham Sahlih (January 2003)

(Published: 2004-06-29 04:59 AM)
Speech presented by Dr Barham Salih Prime Minister, Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq to The Socialist International (SI) Council, Rome, January 20th, 2003

Unfairenheit 9/11: The Lies of Michael Moore

(Published: 2004-06-25 02:12 AM)
If Michael Moore had had his way, Slobodan Milosevic would still be the big man in a starved and tyrannical Serbia. Bosnia and Kosovo would have been cleansed and annexed. If Michael Moore had been listened to, Afghanistan would still be under Taliban rule, and Kuwait would have remained part of Iraq. And Iraq itself would still be the personal property of a psychopathic crime family, bargaining covertly with the slave state of North Korea for WMD. You might hope that a retrospective awareness of this kind would induce a little modesty. To the contrary, it is employed to pump air into one of the great sagging blimps of our sorry, mediocre, celeb-rotten culture.

Unfairenheit 9/11: The Lies of Michael Moore

(Published: 2004-06-25 02:12 AM)
If Michael Moore had had his way, Slobodan Milosevic would still be the big man in a starved and tyrannical Serbia. Bosnia and Kosovo would have been cleansed and annexed. If Michael Moore had been listened to, Afghanistan would still be under Taliban rule, and Kuwait would have remained part of Iraq. And Iraq itself would still be the personal property of a psychopathic crime family, bargaining covertly with the slave state of North Korea for WMD. You might hope that a retrospective awareness of this kind would induce a little modesty. To the contrary, it is employed to pump air into one of the great sagging blimps of our sorry, mediocre, celeb-rotten culture.
Created by pault
Last modified 2004-11-18 07:37 AM

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