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You are here: Home » Forum threads to display » Draining the Swamps - in 2002 Noam Chomsky said we need to 'drain the swamps' of the Middle East (that is, overthrow the fascist tyrants of the MidEast) to make sure we breed no more terrorist "mosquitoes". We agree, and we say that is just what Bush is doing.

Draining the Swamps - in 2002 Noam Chomsky said we need to 'drain the swamps' of the Middle East (that is, overthrow the fascist tyrants of the MidEast) to make sure we breed no more terrorist "mosquitoes". We agree, and we say that is just what Bush is doing.

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This is a link to one of our discussion threads. At the top of the thread is a link to some email correspondence between us and Chomsky - he refuses to see that draining the swamps is what Bush is up to.

The link address is:

Created by youngmarxist
Last modified 2006-08-05 02:32 AM

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