PUK website (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan)
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2006-03-07 04:25:55 |
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KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party)
1 kB
2006-03-07 04:27:17 |
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Harry's Place
1 kB
2006-03-07 04:23:51 |
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Hak Mao
1 kB
2006-03-07 04:23:04 |
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Socialism in an Age of Waiting
1 kB
2006-03-07 04:28:32 |
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A General Theory of Rubbish
1 kB
2006-03-07 04:19:39 |
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1 kB
2006-03-07 04:29:03 |
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Links to sites and study material.
2006-03-07 05:01:54 |
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The postmodern essay generator
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2004-11-23 06:01:38 |
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Iraqi Prospect Organisation
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2006-03-07 04:27:59 |
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Labour Friends of Iraq
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2006-03-07 04:25:17 |
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Iraq the Model
1 kB
2006-03-07 04:24:06 |
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Saudi Arabia Backgrounder: who are the Islamists?
1 kB
2006-03-07 04:26:49 |
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ICG backgrounder: Understanding Islamism
1 kB
2006-03-07 04:14:17 |
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The Longing
1 kB
2005-04-02 05:17:25 |
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Vietnam: 30 years since victory
1 kB
2005-05-14 07:12:14 |
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Links to interesting sites and material on the web
2006-03-07 04:05:18 |
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Daily Kos
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2006-03-07 04:47:17 |
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TPM Cafe
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2006-03-07 04:51:32 |
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David Corn
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2006-03-07 04:56:28 |
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Drink soaked trotskyite popinjays for war
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2006-03-07 05:00:42 |
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National Strategy for Victory in Iraq
1.0 kB
2006-03-07 22:11:18 |
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Foreign Press Review
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2006-03-09 01:00:21 |
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War in Iraq vs Containment
1.1 kB
2006-03-17 00:14:28 |
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Sistani, the US and politics in Iraq
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2006-03-17 21:57:27 |
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The Communist Manifesto - A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies. Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries? Two things result from this fact: I. Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a power. II. It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself. To this end, Communists of various nationalities have assembled in London and sketched the following manifesto, to be published in the English, French, German, Italian, Flemish and Danish languages.
1.3 kB
2006-08-06 07:39:06 |
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History - A collection of links to our best posts on the topic
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2006-08-06 08:30:03 |
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Current Events (or events that were current at the time of writing) - a collection of links to our best posts on the topic
1 kB
2006-08-06 08:35:06 |
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Grand Strategy - a collection of links to our best posts on the topic
1 kB
2006-08-06 08:40:41 |
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Liberating Technology - a collection of links to our best posts on the topic
1 kB
2006-08-06 08:44:32 |
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Last Superpower Site Direction - a collection of links to our best posts on the topic
1 kB
2006-08-06 08:48:23 |
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Forward with Revolution - a collection of links to our best posts on the topic
1 kB
2006-08-06 08:52:38 |
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Materialism and Atheism - a collection of links to our best posts on the topic
1 kB
2006-08-06 08:56:17 |
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Lebanese Allegations of Israeli incursions into Lebanese territory.
1 kB
2006-08-15 03:29:17 |
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